We are an elder-led church.
Geoff Ingrum
Converted in 2002, Geoff has been richly blessed by the grace of God in Christ over the last two decades. His passion for God’s word and his love for the saints initially compelled him to pursue the pastorate, and these have remained the sustaining graces of his ministry. Geoff received a Master of Arts in counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2009 and was ordained in 2012. He continued his theological education through graduate-level courses at Reformed Baptist Seminary and doctoral-level courses at Midwestern Theological Seminary. Geoff has been married for over 20 years to his high school sweetheart, Raechel, and they have four beautiful children whom the Lord has graciously saved. Not that it matters much, but Geoff enjoys hunting, fishing, and college football. Far more importantly, he loves Jesus and whole-heartedly desires to see people grow in their love for him as well.
Jason Mezo
The Lord graciously saved Jason in 2009. The following year he met his lovely bride Hannah and married her. Since then, the Lord has blessed them with three children to raise up and steward over for his glory. Jason's desire to see God's people grow in their adoration of Christ, obedience to his word, and hope in his return drew him to pursue eldership, and he was affirmed and ordained in early 2021.
Ryan Hunsaker
Ryan was born and raised in Dupo, IL, and he married his high school sweetheart. The Lord saved him in October of 2008, and he and his wife, Tanya, have 4 children (3 biological and 1 adopted). He has been a member of Heritage of Grace Church since the church was planted in 2014. Ryan was a Deacon for about 6 years, and the Lord graciously grew him in knowledge and truth during that season. The Lord also gave him a desire to serve the church in the office of elder, and he was ordained in 2020. Ryan loves the saints and desires to see them grow more and more into the image of Christ.
Matt Sims
The Lord graciously saved Matt in 2012 in his senior year at Florida State University. Shortly thereafter he sensed a call to serve as a missionary in China, which he did for 4 years. There he met his beloved Amber and they got married in 2017. During his time in China, he and Amber became reformed and the Lord gave him a love for gospel-centered liturgy, biblical studies, and teaching in the local church. They moved to St. Louis to study at Covenant Theological Seminary, where Matt received his Master of Divinity (MDiv) in 2021. Currently, he is pursuing a Master of Theology (ThM) at Covenant. He began as a full-time pastor in February 2023. He primarily serves as HGC's Director of Congregational Singing, while also teaching Sunday School most weeks, and preaching every now and then. In addition to reading and music, he enjoys cooking, the outdoors, and walking around Waterloo with Amber. They have one daughter, Ruby Anne (1).