The Forge is our monthly men’s breakfast held on the second Saturday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 am. The meeting is held in two semesters. The first is from February to May, and the second is from August to November. The goal is simple, to be shaped and fashioned by the Word of Christ so that we can better follow Jesus and honor our Father in our various roles as Christian men. Along with robust theology and excellent fellowship, every man brings a hearty breakfast food to share with his brothers. Please join us for this monthly time of “iron sharpening iron.”
If you're interested in this please reach out to an elder or an elder's wife. There are various discipleship groups that happen throughout the week at various locations.
Parents are primarily responsible for the discipleship and discipline of their children. The church should not usurp the authority of godly parents, nor assume the responsibilities of parents who are lax in their duties. Instead, the church should give itself to teaching the biblical principles of parenthood and to holding parents accountable to carry them out in the context of their families. So, while we do offer Sunday School for children during our Sunday school hour, our aim is to equip and support parents to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.